Managing Stress

2 November 2020 -

Living with blood cancer can be challenging and stressful. COVID-19 has added an additional level of anxiety for many patients and their families. While core lifestyle elements such as gentle exercise and eating and sleeping well are important, there are other simple things you can do to help improve your mental wellbeing. Try one or two of these quick tips each day:


Stress can lead to chronic shallow breathing which can cause increased agitation as well as muscle aches, light headedness and tingling. Follow these steps to regulate stress hormones and feel a sense of calm:
• Loosen your shoulders by raising them up and down
• Breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of 3 – pull your breath deep into your tummy.
• Hold your breath gently for a count of 3
• Breathe out slowly for a count of 3
• Repeat a few times. Do this several times a day and choose your own pace.

Notice the little things

You can inject mini moments of mindfulness into your life – try this quick exercise for a few minutes of break from the busy chatter in your mind:
• Find an object – anything will do e.g. a piece of fruit, a cup of coffee
• Go through each of your five senses to describe your object in detail:
1. What can you see?
2. What does it feel like to the touch?
3. What can you smell?
4. What can you hear?
5. And, if appropriate, what can you taste?

Notice Nature

You can do this mindfulness exercise by sitting outside somewhere peaceful, or just looking out of the window and repeat the previous steps.

Release endorphins

The simple act of squeezing and releasing muscles in your body can release endorphins (our feel good hormones). The same can happen if you simply smile! Try clenching various muscles in your body (e.g. your fists, or press your knees together) for a few seconds and releasing. Repeat this several times. Follow this with the breathing exercise described in this article for an extra dose of relaxation.

“Fear of the unknown and the uncertainty that can come with a blood cancer diagnosis can have a negative impact on mental health. Looking after yourself and doing simple things to help manage your stress levels is really important.” Emma Barker – Head of Support Services