2024 National Research Grant
LBC award grants once a year to health professionals working in research and/or clinical areas associated with haematology who are committed to studying blood cancers and related conditions. The grants are intended to advance understanding about leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, MPNs and related blood conditions.
All applications are judged on merit by our independent Medical and Scientific Committee. The decision to award grants is based on the quality of the submissions.
Grants are awarded in part or full.
Please note that applicants will be notified of the result of their application three weeks after the closing date.
Preference will be given to those who have not received funding in the last 12 months from LBC.
Application closing date: 30 June 2024
To complete the application process you will require the following:
• The abstract for your research
• A letter of support from the immediate supervisor or department head of the principal investigator
• Written quotations from equipment suppliers for any items applied for with a value that exceeds $500.
• A completed and signed ethical and administrative agreement. To download a copy please click here.
To begin the online process of applying for the National Research Grant, please click here.
LBC offers grants for health professionals, including scientists, clinicians, doctors, nurses, laboratory staff, support workers, counsellors, and to research students to attend local and international meetings and keep up to date with the latest advancements in the field of haematology.
Travel and conference grants may be awarded to cover the cost of accommodation, flights and other travel, conference registrations, and other expenses required to attend such activities. Costs should be kept to a minimum and economy class airfares are anticipated.
LBC does not provide funding for attending post-graduate courses, post-graduate course fees, or course-related costs.
Please note if there is potential for this to be a DHB provided service, please indicate whether they have been approached for funding and provide evidence of response.
All applications are judged on merit by our independent Medical and Scientific Committee. The decision to award a grant is based on the quality of the application, the relevance of the activity to the applicant’s haematology practice, the likely benefit for New Zealand haematology patients, competing applications and the funds available.
Preference will be given to those who have not received funding in the last 12 months from LBC.
Funding will not be applied retrospectively, and will only be considered for conferences dated at least one month after the closing date of the grant.
Please note that applicants will be notified of the result of their application three weeks after the closing date.
Preference will be given to applicants who are presenting papers or posters at the event, to those attending activities in New Zealand or Australia and to those attending events that have session’s specific to the applicant’s area of practice. For those with access to Continuing Education funds as part of their employment conditions, consideration will be given to part-funding, to meet a shortfall.
Application closing date: 31 October 2024
To complete the application process you will require the following:
• Quotes for any expenses associated with the activity, including accommodation, flights and other travel, conference registrations, and other expenses for which you are applying for funds.
• A copy of the abstract for the paper or poster you are presenting at the conference, if you are presenting.
• A letter of recommendation from your Clinical Director or Academic Supervisor.
• Details of the conference or workshop you are planning to attend (in the form of a conference programme or something similar).
• If there is potential for this to be a DHB provided service, please indicate whether they have been approached for funding and provide evidence of response.
In general, no more than one or two applicants from each centre will have grant applications approved to attend the same conference or workshop.
To begin the online process of applying for a Travel Grant, please click here.
LBC awards grants once a year to university students throughout New Zealand to carry out projects of haematological importance. The grants fund a student to carry out a haematological project for the summer semester, from November to February. The grants are intended to support study that will aid understanding of these diseases.
Annual closing date: 31 August 2024
Applications must be made in conjunction with a biomedical or clinical researcher who will act as the student’s supervisor throughout the project.
All applications are judged on merit by our Medical and Scientific Committee and the decision to award grants is based on the quality of the submissions.
Please note that applicants will be notified of the result of their application three weeks after the closing date.
Grants are awarded in part or full.
Preference will be given to those who have not received funding in the last 12 months from LBC.
LBC does not provide funding for attending post-graduate courses, post-graduate course fees, or course related costs.
To complete the application process you will require the following:
• Your resume & transcript to be uploaded together
• A completed and signed ethical and administrative agreement. To download a copy please click here.
• A letter of support for the project from your immediate supervisor or department head.
To begin the online process of applying for the Summer Studentship, please click here.
Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand (LBC) is delighted to offer a postgraduate scholarship for advancing research in haematology. This scholarship is in honour of John Waller who passed away in 2016. When John was first diagnosed with CML, he became a strong and lifelong supporter of LBC. A well-known and highly regarded New Zealand businessman, John encouraged many other individuals and organisations to support the cause during his lifetime.
This Scholarship is intended to provide personal support for graduate students whose proposed programme of advanced study or research for a higher degree (e.g. PhD or MD) is in the field of haematology.
Eligibility and Qualifications
To apply for this scholarship graduate students should be eligible to be enrolled full-time in an approved course of graduate study or research in a New Zealand University. Applications should be New Zealand citizens or non-New Zealand citizens with New Zealand residency at the time of application. Application may be made in advance of enrolment on the understanding that an award would be conditional on successful completion of enrolment procedures.
The application must be made by the student, together with their supervisor or supervisors, through the head of the Department where the student is to work. A confidential report from the supervisors and one other person familiar with the applicant’s academic record will be required. Interviews may be arranged with the student, the proposed supervisor, and representatives of LBC.
Conditions of Tenure
The scholarship is tenable within departments of universities and/or hospitals in New Zealand. The suitability of the proposed department and research supervisor is taken into consideration by the LBC review committee when applications are reviewed. A scholar may not hold other regular paid employment without the express permission of LBC. Normally this permission will be given in respect of teaching or clinical duties not exceeding 10 hours per week, which have the approval of the research supervisor. Other forms of award (scholarships, bursaries, etc.) may be held in conjunction with a Postgraduate Scholarship only if the permission of LBC has been obtained.
All scholars are required to submit an annual report to LBC on the anniversary of their commencement date. They are also required to submit a final 1- 2 page report within one month of submitting their thesis. Additionally LBC require a report in lay-terms to be used for LBC’s own on and offline communication purposes.
Duration of Tenure
The Postgraduate Scholarship is awarded for up to three years and is subject to the receipt of satisfactory annual reports of progress.
Any scholar who publishes the results of work performed during the tenure of the Postgraduate Scholarship is required to acknowledge the assistance they have received by stating, “the research was conducted during the tenure of the John Waller Scholarship from Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand” Such publications must have the approval of the supervisor.
LBC may, at its discretion for what is considered grave cause, suspended the tenure of the Postgraduate Scholarship for such time as is thought fit, or deprive a scholar of their scholarship.
The value of this scholarship is determined by LBC, and as of 2022 the stipend is $30,000 per annum. This includes tuition fees. An additional amount up to $5,000 per annum will be available to assist with related conference and travel expenses. Evidence of this expenditure will be required in addition to the annual report.
Research costs
LBC expects that any costs of the research undertaken by Postgraduate Scholars will be borne by the host institution.
Completion of Application
To assist you with your application please note the following:-
• Details of subjects studied and grades obtained to date should be attached to the application form.
• Postgraduate Scholarships are personal awards and emphasis will be placed on the candidate and their potential to develop during the period of the scholarship.
• The research project itself is clearly important and sufficient detail needs to be provided to demonstrate the intrinsic value.
• Application forms should include a description of the applicant’s research interests, reasons for the particular supervisor or Department and a structured outline of the proposed project.
• A completed and signed administrative and ethical agreement. To download a copy please click here