Changing times with Covid-19

10 June 2020 -

Peter Fergusson, Chief Executive

It was obvious when the first reports started to come in of a novel coronavirus taking hold across the globe that life would change radically for many of us, and that blood cancer patients would be particularly vulnerable to the infection.  We knew that we would need to change our plans, increase the help we give to patients, and adjust the way we deliver support to ensure patients are kept safe. As a designated Essential Service, the team here at LBC has been working round-the-clock through all levels of lockdown to change the way we do things and maximise the care, support and practical help we offer. We have increased the help we give to the most vulnerable patients during this tough time by keeping in close contact by phone, text, and online. We have also provided online support groups and live

Q & A sessions with haematologists, pharmacists, and other health specialists for patients and families. Some of these sessions were recorded so, please contact your Support Services

Co-ordinator if you would like to view.  We’ve also updated our website with information on  Covid-19 and blood cancer, so please take a look

Take care and look after each other,

Peter Fergusson