My Guide to Blood Cancer

Being told you have a blood cancer at a young age can come as a huge shock. This booklet was written to help describe to young adults what blood cancers are, and speaks to the challenges that they face when encountering a diagnosis of a blood cancer and how to deal with these challenges.

Joe has Leukaemia

Joe has Leukaemia is a picture book, originally created by CLIC Sargent in the United Kingdom. Designed to explain disease, treatment and survivorship information to young children. While this booklet was created for children who have been diagnosed with leukaemia, it is also a helpful tool to explain things to children who have a family member who has been diagnosed.

Tom has Lymphoma

Tom has Lymphoma is a picture book, originally created by CLIC Sargent and the Lymphoma Association in the United Kingdom. Designed to explain disease, treatment and survivorship information to young children. While this booklet was created for children who have been diagnosed with lymphoma, it is also a helpful tool to explain things to children who have a family member who has been diagnosed.