Regular giving

Every day, eight Kiwis receive the life-changing news they have blood cancer. We believe no one should have to face cancer alone, and demand for our services is growing.

At its heart, Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand (LBC) is about caring for our patients and their families, while at the same time funding research into finding better treatments, and one day a cure.

And for as little as the price of a cup of coffee a week, you can have a role in helping us to achieve this.

A regular donation may seem like a small amount, but spreading your contribution over a longer period of time will make a significant difference to our work. You can choose how much, how often, and for how long you want to help us for.

Together we can be there for those who need us most, while finding better treatments and cures for blood cancer.

There are three ways that you can set up your regular gift, and you can choose how much, how often, and for how long you want to help us for.

  • You can set this up quickly and securely online by clicking here
  • You can call us on 0800 15 10 15
  • You can set up an automatic payment directly from your own bank account using the details below.

Automatic payment details

Bank account number: 02-0256-0141907-00

(Please use your donor ID as a reference. If you don’t have a donor ID, call us on 0800 15 10 15)

Our pledge to you

We can only continue to provide our vital services with the kindness and support of people like you. To thank you, we pledge to;

• Send you an annual tax receipt (by email or post) for your donation
• To keep you updated (by email or post) on how your donation is helping us to reach out to others
• To respect your wishes on how you wish us to communicate with you

If you have any questions, please contact us on 0800 15 10 15 or email

Payment terms and conditions

Read full payment terms & conditions here.